Sorry! So much to catch up on.
Lily is now smiling all the time. She is such a happy baby. All I have to do is look at her and say "Hey little frog" and she lights up. We also decided we need to start using her name more or she is going to think her name is little frog. She is also "talking" all the time and is so observant. She watches everything. Including the TV. We try to keep it off a lot now, but she just stares at the blank screen :/. She is definitely her father's child.
I am still EPing and she is getting all breast milk except for the one bottle a day of Enfacare the nutritionist at her NICU follow-up wanted her on for the extra calcium. I hate giving it to her and Lily hates eating it and she usually spits most of it up. I plan to talk to her pedi about it at her 4 month appointment next week. Surely there has to be a calcium supplement I can give her instead. The nutritionist was kind of dismissive of my EPing and almost acted like she should be on formula full time. WTF?!? NO! I have worked my ass off the get the great supply I have and I refuse to give up because some nutritionist thinks formula would be better. No its not! Her pedi is ecstatic that I have been able to give her breast milk and I definitely trust him more and her weight gain is amazing. I find myself looking forward to her 4 month appointment so I can discuss this with him.
We are getting plenty of sleep around here! Lily goes to bed when we do at 10:00pm. She sleeps in her Fisher Price Rock n' Play sleeper right now, but I want to transition her to her Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper in its bassinet mode soon. She gets a bottle right before bed and I climb in bed and rock her in her sleeper until one of us falls asleep. She sleeps until 3-4 am and daddy feeds her a bottle while I pump. Daddy then gets read for work while Lily and I go back to sleep. She sleeps until 6-7 am and I feed her again and we then go back to sleep until 9-10am. I love my great sleeper! I so hope this continues.
Lily did great at her NICU follow up appointment. She pulled out her full bag of tricks for the doctor. She smiled at her, cooed at her, held her head up like a champ, did her grasping reflexes like she should, followed her stethoscope with her eyes and turned her head to find me and Josh every time one of us spoke. The doctor said she was a little ahead of her adjusted age milestones and she does not need to see her again until she is 6 months old. She also went from the 10th percentile for weight, length and head circumference for her adjusted age at birth to the 75th percentile for her adjusted age! Hopefully she will get in the charts for her chronological age soon!
Our next goal is to get her to roll over. She likes being on her tummy so she really has no motivation to try, but she has started kicking her legs out when she is on her tummy so I think she will get it soon.
I also have started cloth diapering. Well I only have 3 BumGenius 3.0s right now. I have ordered some Fuzzibuns, some Bumkins AIOs and some prefolds and covers to see what I like. Buying diapers is so addictive! They are just so cute its hard not to buy them all. But I need to test out different ones to see what I like before I go crazy. So far I like the BGs but they are bulky.
So we are doing great! Lily is such a good baby. She only cries when she is hungry or tired and shuts right up if I give her a bottle or put her in her swing to take a nap. I love her so much!
{eight year well child}
7 years ago
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