Let me just say I LOVE cloth diapering. I had come to hate disposables and I hate them even more now. I would like to say I do it for the environment etc., but honestly I stared because they were cute and I was sick of leaks and blowouts in the sposies. Lily has chunky legs and the sposies left deep red marks on her little legs, but a size up was too big and leaked. I don't even mind the laundry. I am still building my stash and getting the fluffy mail makes me happy lol. I have 2 mystery bags coming hopefully today from babyhalfoff.com. Can't wait to see what I get! I am also waiting on 2 Bumkins AIOs from Zulily. I ordered these things 2 weeks ago and still don't have an email saying they have shipped. I am getting impatient. I have have some hemp inserts, a pink pail liner and a Monkey Snuggles coming. I need a lot more so I don't have to do laundry everyday, but I need to take a break from buying things until after vacation. Want to make sure we have enough money for the outlets! coughCoachcough.
I was asked to review them so here is a review of the ones I have tried so far:
Green Mountain Diapers yellow edge prefolds: Meh. I don't like how they hold the wetness against her skin. I just made some fleece liners so we will see if that helps. I doubt I will order more prefolds once she out grows these. Well, I think she may have outgrown them. I can't fold them around her and pin the with a snappi, she is too wide (she takes after her mom). I fold them in thirds and put them in a cover. I have not had any leaks with them though.
Green Mountain Diapers yellow edge fitted: This thing does not fit her at all.
Bumgenius 3.0s: These are okay but the one size insert that comes with them is very bulky when its snapped into the smallest setting (which is what Lily is in). It works great for overnight with the OS insert and a doubler. I have ordered some thinner inserts so hopefully that will help with the bulk factor and they will fit better under her clothes during the day. Also the Aplix sucks. I have had them 2 weeks and it already looks ancient. The 4.0s will have a snap option. I recommend the snaps.
Fuzzy Bunz one size pocket: I am not such a huge fan of this one right now. It tends to leak at the legs and is kind of bulky. I think it will be great once she is a little bigger though.
Fuzzy Bunz perfect size pocket: These are my favorites right now. They are super soft and the smalls fit her great and are not bulky at all with the insert they come with and I love the snaps. They are a little difficult on a squirmy baby, but they hold up way better than the Aplix fasteners.
Bummis Super Whisper Wrap: I love this cover. The small fits her perfectly. I hope to fine some fitteds I like to use with it since I am not loving the prefolds.
Thirsties Duo wrap: I like this cover alright, but there is no way the size one will fit up to 18 lbs like they claim. Lily is around 12 lbs and I already have it on the largest setting. But it works well and is cute. I will hold off on ordering any more of these though until she can fit in the size two, because I doubt the size one will fit past 14 lbs.
So far thats what I have. I will update as I try others (hopefully soon if all the stuff I have ordered ever gets here!)
Also tomorrow is Lily's 4 month check-up and shots. Eeeeek!
{eight year well child}
7 years ago
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